Systemic family engagement
Who: Sanger Unified School District and the Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities.
Goal: To support district staff to integrate family engagement as a multi-tiered, systemic strategy.
Heartwise Teammate: Kendra Fehrer, PhD
This project was designed to provide targeted guidance to the district team at Sanger Unified School District as they built out their family engagement strategy. Dr. Fehrer led the research and project team.
What we did: We started by conducting a literature review on family engagement strategies and multi-tiered systems of support, followed by key informant interview with district leaders to document their “theory of mind” in how they understood family engagement as part of a multi-tiered system of supports. We then conducted interviews and focus groups with site-level administrators, family resource center staff, and parents across the school system to better understand existing family-school relationships, resources, and opportunities. Lastly, building on our analysis, we developed a draft “Family Engagement MTSS” model that we shared with the district.
Findings: The study affirmed the perceived importance of family-school partnerships, and brought to light multiple facets of engagement, as well as different priority areas across stakeholders. For example, school administrators highlighted family engagement in academics and leadership, whereas family resource staff emphasized family support services, and parents underscored their engagement in their children’s social-emotional development. The study also indicated areas for growth—especially across foundational elements of engagement, such as creating a warm and welcoming environment for families—and existing innovative practices within school sites.
Results: The study resulted in a conceptual model of Family Engagement Multi-Tiered System of Support (FE-MTSS) that informed the district’s strategic planning and investment in family engagement moving forward. District administrators utilized the FE-MTSS model to identify systematic gaps in types of engagement being offered/supported, and prioritize site-level capacity-building for all staff (classified and certificated).