Heartwise Presents

NEW Workshop Series:
Newcomer Teacher Professional Development

Join a community of peers committed to helping newcomer students succeed in and beyond the classroom.

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Newcomers – immigrants in their first years of U.S. schooling – are growing in schools. Despite their increasing numbers, many educators struggle to support these language learners.

Workshop participants will gain:

Time to learn or strengthen newcomer teaching skills, such as:

  • Differentiating grade-level instruction across different levels of English proficiency

  • Leveraging students’ home languages and building their linguistic toolbox on the way to learning English

  • Incorporating students’ and families’ funds of knowledge to strengthen family partnerships and make learning engaging.

  • New knowledge and research-based strategies to help newcomers engage in grade-level content, in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Sample lesson plans and activities that model differentiated instruction and asset-based curriculum.

  • Time to collaborate with other teachers and instructors on lesson planning and experimenting with new strategies for newcomers in a safe learning space.

Newcomer Teacher Participants Say...