Top 5 videos: What is a community school?

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what’s a video worth?

As an educators, we’ve seen how videos can capture kids’ attention as they present complex material in an engaging, concrete way. Videos also can connect us with new people and places we otherwise couldn't access. For community schools, videos can help us make this complex strategy concrete and relatable. These videos are curated to be used by community school leaders for our own continuous learning, as well as sharing with others. Enjoy!

#1: What is a Community School (Partnership for the Future of Learning)

A comprehensive overview. This is the most frequently referenced video for community schools 101. It gives a high-level overview of community schools as part of an embedded whole child, community-centered, purpose-driven strategy. The video references the “4 pillars” framework, briefly touches on the research in support of community schools, and describes funding models. (Spanish-language version of this community schools video can be found here). * (3 min)

#2: Oakland Community Schools: We're College, Career, & Community Ready! (OUSD)

A specific district’s example. This video showcases the community schools initiative of Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). It highlights teacher, principal, parent, student, and community school manager perspectives ofc community schools as an equity strategy for student success. This video may resonate for urban school districts or districts with many existing partnerships. (5:45 min)

#3: How a Community School Helps ELLs Succeed (Colorin Colorado)

A specific district's example. This video provides a deep dive look into Wolfe Street Academy’s efforts to remove barriers to student learning and expand whole-child supports. The video emphasizes the integrated student supports aspects of community schools, and focuses on the benefits for vulnerable learners. (Sometimes feels like deficit language). A companion website includes 1:1 interviews with the community school coordinator, after school program coordinator, and principal. (13 mins)

#4: Community Schools Initiative (Cuba Independent School District)

A specific district's example. This is by far one of my favorite community school videos of all time. First, it provides a beautiful example of community schools in a rural setting. It also provides one of the few videos showcasing how community schools can serve a primarily native/indigenous community. Lastly, it does a superb job illustrating how community schools can incorporate culturally attuned, community-engaged learning. It is personal and intimate—not an overproduced talking head in sight. This video makes me tear up every time I watch it. (8:14 min)

#5: Community Schools: A Teachers’ Perspective (American Federation of Teachers)

A comprehensive overview. This video profiles teachers in San Francisco, Cincinnati, and St. Paul as they share how community schools supports their classroom instruction. We love how this video centers teachers’ experience, and the multiple ways that community schools can support the adults in the school. (See my research brief on how community schools support teaching and learning in Oakland). This is a great video for classroom teachers and site leaders to help bring to life the potential of community schools. (7:22 min)

Bonus video #1: What is a Community School (Spanish subtitles) (The California Endowment)

This is a short overview video of the community schools initiative in California, very similar to the Partnership for the Future of Learning video in that it provides a high-level overview. However, it uses more California-specific language (for example, explicitly calling out racial justice and shared power). It includes Spanish subtitles, so could be more accessible for an audience who reads Spanish. (1:20 min)

Bonus Video #2: Community Schools in Spanish (Farmdale Elementary, Conceptual Envisage)

District specific example. I love this sweet video describing community school development in Farmdale, California (near Merced). The video includes an overview of community schools, Farmsale’s community needs assessment process, and the 4-pillar model of community schools. It shares perspectives from the principal, teachers, and students, and is (almost) entirely in Spanish. This video was produced to communicate with families; the production is simple and it showcases students and staff from the community. Perhaps inspiration for your own communication and engagement efforts (English-language version can be found here). (6 min)

Is there another topic you want to see videos about? Do you have a fabulous community schools video recommendation? Send a message to let us know!


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