What’s in a Name? The origin of Heartwise Learning

Otherwise known as “How to name your business”

When I decided to open my business, I had a million questions and a million doubts. I knew what I did not want to do: replicate the exhaustion, frustration, and isolation I’d experienced in so many other professional spaces.

I’ve worked in education and research for nearly 20 years—more so if you count my graduate studies. I am an adult survivor of complex trauma. I’m a parent of two wonderful neurodivergent kids. I’m a partner to the most kind and caring person I know. I am a nature-lover and an outdoor educator. I’m a meditation and yoga practitioner. I am a lifelong learner, a Nine on the Enneagram, and an INFJ in the Meyers-Briggs system. As a friend once said, “a scientist with soul.”

In the community schools universe, we talk a lot about finding our North Star. (See this great article by Curtiss Sarikey on community schools visioning). In fact, the value of identifying our vision and connecting to our greater purpose, seems to be one of those bits of perennial wisdom agreed upon by psychologists, educational researchers, business gurus, and clergy alike.

Heartwise Learning represents my north star. It gave me a vague, glimmering sense of what I did want to move towards when I started this new chapter. Heartwise Learning presences the power of heart—including emotions and spirit—as essential guides in efforts for meaningful change (See my shero Elena Aguilar’s phenomenal work on emotions and social justice). The name centers learning to underscore our constant growth and becoming-ness. Also, the democratic nature of transformation work: with an inquiry mindset, we are all experts and all learners.

And lastly, wisdom. Because while we can and must draw on what decades of scientific research have taught us about what human beings need to thrive, we must also discern how and when to use this knowledge.

So there you have it. Heartwise Learning marries heart, mind, and soul. It reminds me that all the answers are not in our heads, but also in our hearts and our hands. And it reminds me of why I get up every day, and who I aspire to be.

How have you chosen important names in your life? How do you bring heart and soul into your work? Send a message to let us know!


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